Who am I and what I do ?

Who am I ?

As a freelance nautical journalist, working for some of the main leading online nautical medias in french language, I am a keen sailor and skipper. Sailing and boats are my passions as they are also my job for years.

I am particularly focused on technical matters, as I worked, for years, as Base Manager for various boat charter companies and earned hand-on technical knowledge on all systems installed on board sailing and motor yachts.

During a precedent work life, I acted as a building contractor and some strong technical capabilities. I designed and built self handed an autonomous cabin, fitted with photovoltaic panels, batteries, pumps, monitoring, a cabin like a boat, moored in the woods.

During my past jobs and my free time, I sailed dozens of different boats, from dinghies to big sail and motorboats, this enlarged my vision of complex boat systems.

What I do

Nautical technical consultant

I offer to BtoB customers technical reviews and market overview of material, equipment and gear related to boats. You want to have an overview of electric windlasses market offer ? I will collect and find all market offer then examine their strengths and weakness. You want to know about the state-of-the-art of grey/black waters and sewage treatment systems onboard boats ? Or need to know about the transmission solutions for electric motors ?  I can deliver tailor made technical studies dedicated to shipyards design offices or brands.

Journalist and Author

I am the technical editor for french Actunautique.com, one of the leading nautical websites in french for whom I do sea trials, technical articles, gear and equipment review and many different themes of articles.

You want to know how to reboot the fuel pump of your diesel system of your boat ? You want to learn how to properly anchor a boat waiting for strong winds ? You would like to understand the advantages of LiFePO 4 batteries ? You want to know more about some famous boats like Fram or the "Floating White House" ?

In 2020 I had been asked by french nautical book editor Vagnon to write à book about Sailboat maintenance. This book is now available for sale.

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